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The Qualification and Achievement Rates (QAR) Report calculates your achievement rates for different types of Learner Aim. The calculations used in this report are regularly updated to meet the ESFA specifications for the current year.


Further details on how PICS calculates the Achievement Rates can be found on our Achievement Rate Calculations page.

Report Options


The following customisation options are available:

  • Report Type – Four Five report types are available, each of which calculates the achievement rates for a different type of programme:

    • Apprenticeships (Programmes)Traineeships

    • ProgrammeApprenticeships (Component Aims)

    • Traineeships (Programmes)

    • Traineeships (Component Aims)

    • Education and Training

  • Report Total Type – Here you can choose whether the report uses Overall or Timely achievement. Choosing All will include both types in the report. If you are running an Interactive Report, however, you cannot choose All.

  • To – Here you can specify the date up to which achievement rates will be calculated. You can either choose a Fixed Date and choose the relevant date from the calendar date selector, or choose one of the relative values such as TodayStart of WeekStart of Month or others. If you choose a relative value, it is possible to add a positive or negative Offset value, which will adjust the date by the specified number of weeks.
    The selected To date will also set the QAR Year you are running - this is important for various aspects of the calculations such as displaying Achievement Rate Forecasts and calculating Overdue Planned Breaks.

  • Learner Tags – Here you can restrict the report to rates for learners with specific Tags. Choosing a tag from the drop-down menu will add it to the field. You can add multiple tags to the field and remove any added ones by selecting the X icon. The following tag options are available:

    • Any – This will restrict the report to learners that have at least one of the specified tags.

    • All – This will restrict the report to learners that have every specified tag.

    • None – This will restrict the report to learners that do not have any of the specified tags.

Spreadsheet Output for the QAR Report

The qualification and achievement rates report consists of a single sheet listing each relevant learner aim with its Overall and Timely achievement data. Along with the achievement and learner details, any Optional Fields chosen when building the report will be included as additional columns.


    • .

  • UKPRN - This will restrict the report to aims where the learner’s UKPRN is selected in this list.

  • Contracts - This will restrict the report to aims where the learner’s contract is selected in this list.

  • Sites - This will restrict the report to aims where the learner’s site is selected in this list.

  • Learners and aims ILR Export Status - This will restrict the report to learners and aims matching the selected status:

    • Include in ILR Export - only aims where the learner and aim are both included in the ILR export are included

    • Withhold from ILR Export - only aims where either the learner or aim is withheld from the ILR are included

    • All - all aims are included regardless of whether the learner or aim is included in the ILR

Interactive Output for the QAR Report


Running an interactive report is explained in the Interactive Reports page. This section is limited to features that are unique to the interactive QAR report.


The interactive output for the QAR report will display either your Overall or Timely achievement rates, depending on the Report Total Type chosen when building the report (you cannot choose All for the interactive report). The only Chart Types available for QARs are Table and Bar Chart and Table.. Both can be analysed by any column included in the report data.

Table View

Instead of the Analysis Method option available for other interactive reports, there are instead two Report Presets three Table Types you can use:

  • Achievement Rate % – This shows the number of leavers, achievers and the percentage of achieved aims out of all aims included achievement rate percentage in each cohort (as specified by the Analysis Column).

  • Cohort Count – This shows the number of achieved aims for each cohort (as specified by the Analysis Column).

Hovering over each bar will show the exact percentage or numerical value, and selecting a particular bar will show all aims which are included in the cohort.


  • , split by year. The current report year and previous two years are shown.

  • Achievement, Retention and Pass Rate - This shows same totals as the Achievement Rate table, but additionally includes the number of Completers, the Retention Rate and the Pass Rate. See our calculation page for more detail on how these are calculated.

  • Achievement Rate Forecast – This shows the Achievement Rate Forecast (minimum / maximum achievement rates) for the current report year. See our calculation page for more detail on how these are calculated.

Exporting the Data

Clicking on any total will open a list of aims comprising that total. This list can then be exported to Excel.

To view all aim data in the report, click Show all aim data below the table. Note that this will include all aim records that could be included in any report type, including Retention and Forecast figures, not just the records included in the currently displayed figures. You will need to manage the data in a spreadsheet to restrict it to those values.

To export the table itself to Excel, the Export table button is available below the table.

Bar Chart View

Instead of the Analysis Method option available for other interactive reports, there are instead seven Chart Types you can use:

  • Achievement Rate - A stacked bar chart showing the achievement rate (in green) and non-achievement rate (in red) for each cohort (as specified by the Analysis Column) for the current report year.

  • Achievement Rate (3 year) - A bar chart showing the achievement rate for the current and two previous years for each cohort.

  • Achievement Rate Count - A stacked bar chart showing the number of achievers (in green) and non-achievers (in red) for each cohort (as specified by the Analysis Column) for the current report year.

  • Achievement Rate Forecast - A bar chart showing the minimum, actual and maximum achievement rate for each cohort (as specified by the Analysis Column) for the current report year.

  • Achievement, Retention and Pass Rate - A bar chart showing the achievement, retention and pass rate for each cohort (as specified by the Analysis Column) for the current report year.

  • Retention Rate (3 year) - A bar chart showing the Retention rate for the current and two previous years for each cohort.

  • Pass Rate (3 year) - A bar chart showing the Pass rate for the current and two previous years for each cohort.


Hovering over each bar will show the exact percentage or numerical value. To see the aims which comprise the total, the corresponding table should be used.

Spreadsheet Output for the QAR Report

The qualification and achievement rates report consists of a single sheet listing each relevant learner aim with its Overall and Timely achievement data. Along with the achievement and learner details, any Optional Fields chosen when building the report will be included as additional columns.
