Side Menu

The side menu is divided into three sections: WorkspaceSections, and Configuration. The links available here will depend on your licences and User Permissions.


The pages in this section relate to administrative features for your user account and linked officer record. As the software is developed, more options will become available.


The pages in this section cover the various data tables stored in PICSWeb. As the software is developed, more options will become available.


The pages in this section allow you to customise and configure PICSWeb use and features. As the software is developed, more options will become available.


Selecting the  icon opens a search bar where you can enter text to search for in your PICS data.

User Actions

Selecting your PICS Username from the top-right corner will open the User Actions menu. This menu displays how many messages you have, along with links to the following sections:

Table Navigation

Most of the data in PICSWeb is organised in a consistent table format. While the data shown and options available vary, some common features are available throughout the system: