
We recommend that you take a look at our Import Specifications before uploading to make sure that your import files are in a valid format.

We recommend that you take a look at our Import Specifications before uploading to make sure that your import files are in a valid format.

Creating your Import File

Before you can upload an import file, you will need a valid file to upload. Depending on the import specification for your record, this will be a CSV or XLSX spreadsheet.

To create the import file, open a blank spreadsheet and copy all the desired Column Names into the top row of the spreadsheet. You can then enter the data for each record underneath the relevant columns, with a row for each individual record. Make sure that the data entered is in the correct Format for each column.


Example spreadsheets can be found for each import type in the Import Specification pages.

Example spreadsheets can be found for each import type in the Import Specification pages.

Uploading the Import File

Selecting Upload from the top-right corner of the Import List will open a window where you can upload a new file to import. You will need to choose an Import Type to indicate what data the file contains:

To attach the file, either drag and drop it into the File field or select the field to open a window where you can browse for the file. 

Once you have added the file, select Upload to finish. What happens next will depend on whether you are importing an individual record or multiple records: