Selecting ... > Edit from a Course Type in the Course Type List, or selecting Actions > Edit from a Course Type Summary page, will open a window where you can edit certain fields. Once you have finished, select Save to apply the changes and return to the summary page, or Cancel to exit without saving.
The following fields are available to edit:
Organiser – Here you can search the drop-down menu for an Officer to link as the organiser.
Qualification Plan
Status – This can be either Live or Dormant.
Editing Site Restrictions
In the Course Type Summary, you can select Actions > Edit Sites to open a window where you can choose which Sites the Course Type is available for. If a site is ticked in this window, it will be available for users linked to those sites. To set site restrictions, you will first need to switch off the All Sites option.
Once you have applied the necessary restrictions, select Save to finish.