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Table of Contents

Selecting Users and Access > Sites from the Configuration section of the side menu will open the Site List page. This page displays a list of sites and site levels and options to create and edit them. Depending on your setup, the sites page and menu link might be under a different label, such as offices or regions. Image RemovedThe title for sites can be configured when editing Site Levels

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Site List

The site list displays any sites that match the filters set above the list. Stars indicate top level sites, with children sites shown underneath their respective parent sites. Circle icons indicate bottom level sites.

For each site, the following details are shown:

  • Code
  • Name
  • Level
  • Parent Site
  • Status – This indicates whether the site is Live or Dormant.

The Levels tab can also be selected to show the list of Site Levels.

Filtering the List

The following searching and filtering options are available by default above the list. Once you have entered the necessary details, press Enter or select the  icon to run the search and apply your filters.

  • Search – Here you can search by site Code and Name.Number of records – Here you can use the drop-down menu to choose how many results are displayed per page.
  • Level
  • Status

Along with these, a field to filter by Level can be added by selecting More > Level. Choosing this the following fields are available by selecting MoreChoosing a field will add it to the top bar, where it works like the filters explained above.

  • Parent
  • Branches From – This will show any sites linked in the hierarchy underneath the chosen site, even if the chosen site is not the immediate parent site.

Exporting the List

Selecting More also shows an option to Export to Excel. Selecting this will generate an Excel Spreadsheet containing the details currently displayed in the list.

Site Actions

Selecting Create Site from The following options are available from the Actions button at the top-right corner of the list will page:

  • Create Site – This will open a window where you can Create a New Site.
  • Edit Site Levels – This will open a window where you can maintain the hierarchy of Site Levels.
  • Edit Site Settings – This will open a window where you can manage Strict Sites Mode.

Selecting the ... icon by a site in the list will open a menu with the following options:
