Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


This page contains some top tips from our training team on Building WebForms.

These tips will help form builders make their finished document looks good, both for the people filling it in and when all the filled data and signatures get merged to form a signed document.


Paragraph settings such as ‘Keep with next’ and ‘Keep lines together’ may cause variances between the onscreen form (which will not use them) and downloaded Word documents (which will).Fonts

Line Spacing – Also within the paragraph settings window, we recommend setting your default line spacing to 12pt both before and after to make sure that there is plenty of room for your fields.


Fonts The third-party software we use for WebForms does not recognise every font in Word and may replace some with its own default font. This can cause major variations in format and style between how the form is displayed when completing it on screen and how it appears in a downloaded Word document. For example, it may cause data fields to become misaligned in Word.
Note: Tahoma font appears to cause particular problems and may be found in example ESFA forms. We recommend using Calibri.

HTML links, e.g. URLs (


website addresses), email addresses

Any such links in the word document will not be added to the WebForm as a live link (i.e. one you can click to open). You will need to remove them from the word document and add them as a URL field in the WebForm.
