A CSV /or XLSX file import can be used to import Learner data from other data sources.
UDF Support
Single record
Redirect to New Learner window
Multiple records
The table below shows what types of imports are available for learners.
Supported Options |
CSV file format accepted | |
XLSX file format accepted | |
User Defined Fields supported | |
Record Handling |
Single record in file | User redirected to the New Learner window |
Multiple records in file | File added to the Import List with a status of Pending |
Column Name | Required? | Format | Example | Notes | ||||||
FIRSTNAME | string | Roberta | ||||||||
SURNAME | string | Smith | ||||||||
PREV_SURNAME | string | Jones | ||||||||
SEX | string | 1: Male | ||||||||
ETHNICORIGIN | numeric | 33 | ILR Ethnicity | |||||||
TITLE | numeric | 4 | 1: Mr 2: Mrs 3: Miss 4: Ms 5: Dr 6: Rev 7: Hon 8: Mx 9: Other | |||||||
BIRTHDATE | date | 13/03/2003 | ||||||||
NINUMBER | string | JB010101A | ||||||||
PHOTOFILEID | File GUID | Must be an existing PICS File GUID | ||||||||
MIAP_ULN | numeric | 100000009 | LRS Unique Learner Number (ULN) | |||||||
MIAP_FPN_SEEN | numeric | LRS Ability to Share / Privacy Notice seen 0 - No seen | ||||||||
MIAP_PREFNAME | LRS Preferred Name | |||||||||
MIAP_VERIFTYPE | numeric | LRS Identity Verification Type | ||||||||
MIAP_VERIFTEXT | LRS Identity Verification Type Other details | |||||||||
PROV_ID | string | Provider Assigned Internal Identifier | ||||||||
LSC_ULIN | string | COB1234455 | ILR Learner Reference Number | |||||||
TAG_IDS | string | INTERNAL | ||||||||
TAG_NAMES | string | Names of the tags to create * separated | ||||||||
ADDR1 | string | Flat A | First line of Home Address | |||||||
ADDR2 | string | 123 Acacia Avenue | Second line of Home Address | |||||||
ADDR3 | string | Suburb | Third line of Home Address | |||||||
ADDR4 | string | Townville | Fourth line of Home Address | |||||||
POSTCODE | string | TO1 1WN | Home Postcode | |||||||
L17POSTCODE | string | TO1 1WN | Home Postcode prior to enrolment | |||||||
PHONE | numeric | 01603492620 | Home Phone number | |||||||
MOBILEPHONE | numeric | 07799000001 | Mobile Phone number | |||||||
string | bob@here.com | |||||||||
NOKNAME | string | A Smith | Next of Kin Name | |||||||
NOKREL | string | Parent | Next of Kin Relationship | |||||||
NOKPHONE | string | 01603492620 | First Next of Kin Phone Number | |||||||
NOKPHONE2 | string | 07799000002 | Second Next of Kin Phone Number | |||||||
NOKEMAIL | string | asmith@home.com | Next of Kin Email Address | |||||||
CONT_METH | string | PETS | Allowed Contact Methods between Provider & Learner T: Telephone | |||||||
PREF_CONTACT_METH | string | E | Preferred Contact Method between Provider & Learner | |||||||
SITE | string | PICS Internal Site code | ||||||||
CLIENT_ID | string | Learner Internal Client structure Identifier. Used when importing new Episodes for an existing Learner | ||||||||
ULIN_ID | string | Learner Internal Learner Reference Number structure Identifier. Used when importing new Episodes for an existing Learner Reference | ||||||||
PICS_APIDENT | string | Source Applicant Identifier for linking between an existing Applicant and a Learner | ||||||||
RISKLEVEL | string | Learner Risk Level 1: High 2: Medium 3: Low | ||||||||
QUALPLAN | string | PICS Qualification Plan code | ||||||||
ILR_SELF_DISAB | string | 2 | ILR Learner’s Self Assessed Disability status | |||||||
ALL_LLDD | string | 12*13*96 | ILR LLDD codes | |||||||
PRIMARY_LLDD | string | 12 | ILR Primary LLDD | |||||||
RUI | string | 67 | ILR Restricted Use Indicator | |||||||
L52 | string | 456 | ILR Preferred Method of Contact | |||||||
L34A | string | 36 | ILR Learner FAM - Learner Support Reason 1 https://guidance.submitlearnerdatabeta.fasst.org.uk/ilr/field/learnfamcode | |||||||
L34B | string | ILR Learner FAM - Learner Support Reason 2 https://guidance.submitlearnerdatabeta.fasst.org.uk/ilr/field/learnfamcode | ||||||||
L34C | string | ILR Learner FAM - Learner Support Reason 3 https://guidance.submitlearnerdatabeta.fasst.org.uk/ilr/field/learnfamcode | ||||||||
L34D | string | ILR Learner FAM - Learner Support Reason 4 https://guidance.submitlearnerdatabeta.fasst.org.uk/ilr/field/learnfamcode | ||||||||
L31 | numeric | ILR Learner - Learning Support | ||||||||
DLA | numeric | ILR Learner FAM - Disabled Students Allowance | ||||||||
ACCOM | numeric | ILR Learner Accommodation | ||||||||
L40A | numeric | ILR Learner FAM - National Learner Monitoring 1 | ||||||||
L40B | numeric | ILR Learner FAM - National Learner Monitoring 1 | ||||||||
L42A | numeric | ILR Learner - Provider Specified Monitoring 1 | ||||||||
L42B | numeric | ILR Learner - Provider Specified Monitoring 2 | ||||||||
MCF | numeric | ILR Learner - Maths Condition of Funding | ||||||||
ECF | numeric | ILR Learner - English Condition of Funding | ||||||||
EHC | numeric | ILR Learner FAM - Education Health Care plan | ||||||||
GCSE_ENG_GRADE | alphanumeric | ILR Learner - English GCSE Grade https://guidance.submitlearnerdatabeta.fasst.org.uk/ilr/field/enggrade | ||||||||
GCSE_MATH_GRADE | alphanumeric | ILR Learner - Maths GCSE Grade https://guidance.submitlearnerdatabeta.fasst.org.uk/ilr/field/mathgrade | ||||||||
PRIOREDU | numeric | ILR Learner - Prior Attainment (to 2020) | ||||||||
PRIORATTAINMENT | numeric | 03 |
ILR Learner - Prior Attainment Level | |||||||
PRIORATTAINMENTDATE | date | 31/08/2021 |
ILR Learner - Prior Attainment Level Applied from Date | |||||||
DELIV_LOC_SOURCE | numeric | E | Delivery Location/Postcode Source 1: From “DELIV_LOC_SOURCE_POSTCODE” field 2: Home Postcode 3: Specific Organisation - specify code in “DELIV_LOC_ORGCODE“ field 5: Same as Provider | |||||||
DELIV_LOC_ORGCODE | PICS Organisation Code | Delivery Location Organisation | ||||||||
DELIV_LOC_POSTCODE | Postcode | Delivery Location Postcode | ||||||||
PROG_START | date | Start of Programme | ||||||||
LRN_EXPEND | date | Expected End of Learning Portion of Apprenticeship | ||||||||
PROG_EXPEND | date | Expected End of Programme | ||||||||
MAINAIMREF | alphanumeric | Qualification Reference code for the main aim of Learning | ||||||||
DAS_COHORT | alphanumeric | Apprenticeship Service Cohort Reference | ||||||||
DAS_STATUS | numeric | Apprenticeship Service Status 0 - Non-AS | ||||||||
CONTRACT | PICS Contract Code | PICS Contract | ||||||||
SCHOOL_ORGCODE | PICS Organisation Code | Creates a Learner “School“ Placement record with the same Start and Expected End dates as the Learner Episode | ||||||||
COLLEGE_ORGCODE | PICS Organisation Code | Creates a Learner “College“ Placement record with the same Start and Expected End dates as the Learner Episode | ||||||||
PLANLRNHRS_2021 | numeric | ILR Planned Learning Hours for 2021 | ||||||||
PLANEEPHRS_2021 | numeric | ILR Planned EEP Hours for 2021 https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/ilr/field/planeephours | ||||||||
PLANLRNHRS_2022 | numeric | ILR Planned Learning Hours for 2022 | ||||||||
PLANEEPHRS_2022 | numeric | ILR Planned EEP Hours for 2022 https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/ilr/field/planeephours |