Learner Change Request Details in PICSWeb
Selecting ... > Details by a change request in the Request List will open a window where you can view the following details:
Raised officer – This is the officer record linked to the PICSWeb User who made the request. Selecting the officer name will take you to the corresponding Officer Summary.
Raised date and time
Change Type
Status – Depending on the status and your user permissions, buttons may be available to Process the Change Request.
Attachment – If a file has not yet been attached to the request, you can do so here as explained below. Any attached files will be available here to Download or Delete as necessary. If the request was created using a Change Request WebForm, the signed form will be available here.
Once you have viewed the details, you can either select Close to return to the request list or Edit to Edit the Request.
Uploading a New File Attachment
Selecting Upload Attachment in the details window will open a window where you can upload a new file attachment. Either drag and drop a file to the File field or select it to open a window where you can browse for the file.
Once you have finished, select Upload to upload the document or Cancel to discard it.