Creating a New Officer in PICSWeb

Creating a New Officer in PICSWeb

Selecting Create in the Officer List will open a window where you can create a new officer. In this window, you can first enter a First NamesSurname Email and Roles (see link below for Roles),  PICS will look for potential matches and if there is none you will be taken to the next page to complete personal information then save.

Please see here for  Officer Roles in PICSWeb

After this, the following options are available:

  • Save – This will save the officer and take you to a window where you can add further details. This window is explained in Editing Officers in PICSWeb.
  • Save and View Summary – This will save the officer and take you to the Officer Summary page.
  • Save and Close – This will save the officer and return you to the Officer List.
  • Cancel – This will discard the officer without saving.

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