Individual Applicant Target Scope Results in PICSWeb

The Scan Results tab shows the results of all Target Scans that includes the scope item. Results are shown for the Assessor, Learner (Applicant), and Employer assessments.

For each type of scan, the following details are shown:

  • Initial Result – This shows the stage reached at the first target scan.

  • Latest Result – This shows the stage reached at the most recent target scan.

  • Distance Travelled – This is the percentage change in the difference between the scan result and 100%. For example, in the screenshot below, the move from 60% (with a 40% gap to 100%) and 80% (with a 20% gap to 100%) is calculated as a 50% progression as the gap has halved.

  • All Results – This bar chart shows the results for all target scans. Hovering over an individual bar will display the stage reached and the date of the scan.


Scan results cannot be edited from the tab. You will instead need to go to the Target Scans tab in the applicant Delivery Plan.