Importing Multiple PRaP Files in PICS for Employability

Importing Multiple PRaP Files in PICS for Employability

To import a group of PRaP CSV files, you will first need to make sure that they are in a zipped folder. Once you have got this, select Imports from the side menu and select Actions > PRaP Zip from the top right corner to begin the import process.

In this window, add your zipped folder and select Upload once it has been approved.

The folder will then be scanned and compared against your existing participant data. Any new participants found will be added to the import queue, while any existing participants will have their data updated from any matching PRaP files in the folder. Once the upload is complete, you will be shown a list of PRaP files found.

You can then select Close to return to the import list, where any new records to be imported will have been added with the status Pending. You will then need to manually Create a Participant Record for each item.