Editing Surveys in PICSWeb Configuration

Editing Surveys in PICSWeb Configuration

Editing the questions that make up the survey is done from the Preview tab in the Survey Summary.

Selecting Edit in the Survey Summary will open a window where you can edit the following details for the survey. Once you have made your changes, select Save to confirm them or Cancel to discard them.

  • Title

  • Description

  • Survey For – Here you can specify which types of record can complete the survey, out of Learners, Applicants, Officers/Contacts or Anonymous recipients.

  • Allow Multiple Completions – If this is set to Yes, an individual record will be able to complete the survey multiple times.

  • Minimum Days Between Multiple Completions – If you have set Allow Multiple Completions to Yes, here you can specify the minimum number of days that will have to pass before a survey can be completed again by the same record.

  • Theme – Here you can choose a Guest Theme to apply to the survey.

  • Status – Here you can specify whether the survey is Live or Dormant. You will not be able to collect responses for Dormant surveys.