Bulk Editing Qualifications in PICSWeb Configuration

Bulk Editing Qualifications in PICSWeb Configuration

Some qualification details can be updated in bulk from the Qualification List in PICSWeb Configuration. To do this, use the tickboxes at the left of the list to select the qualifications you want to update. The tickbox at the top of the list can be used to select or deselect all qualifications in the current list.

Once at least one qualification has been ticked, an option to Update All will be available.

Selecting this will open a window where you can edit the following details. Before you can edit a field, you will need to tick the box to the left of the field to confirm that you want to edit it. Once you have made your changes, select Save to confirm them or Cancel to discard them.

The following fields are available to edit:

  • Add Types – Here you can add labels to the qualifications to categorise them by type. As well as predefined labels, User Type 0-9 options are available in the drop-down menu. You can add multiple types to this field and use the X icon to remove a type.

  • Remove Types – Here you can choose which type labels you want to remove from the qualifications (if they have been added).

  • Status – Here you can set the status of each selected qualification to Live or Dormant.


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