Applicant Relationships in PICSWeb for Employability

Applicant Relationships in PICSWeb for Employability

The guidance in this page is only for customers using PICS for Employability.

You can use relationships to link your applicant records to the relevant Officers and Organisations. Relationships can be created and viewed from the two tabs in the Applicant Summary explained below.

Officer Relationships

The Officers tab in the Applicant Summary shows any relationships to officers recorded for the applicant.

For each officer, the following details are shown:

Selecting Add Officer will open a window where you can specify the Relationship Type and search for an officer to link.

Select Save to add the new relationship.

Organisation Relationships

The Organisations tab in the Applicant Summary shows any relationships to organisations recorded for the applicant.

For each organisation, the following details are shown:

Selecting Add Organisation will open a window where you can specify the Relationship Type and search for an organisation to link.

Select Save to add the new relationship.