Officer Relationships in PICSWeb for Employability
The guidance in this page is only for customers using PICS for Employability.
You can use relationships to link your officer records to the relevant Applicants, other Officers and Organisations. Relationships can be viewed from the three tabs in the Officer Summary explained below.
Applicant Relationships
The Applicants tab in the Officer Summary shows only applicants created from the officer record. These can either be applicants created from the officer record or existing applicants that have been linked to the officer. You cannot create relationships to existing applicants from here, though an applicant can be linked to the officer from their Officer Relationships Tab.
Officer Relationships
The Officers tab in the Officer Summary shows any relationships to other officers recorded for the current officer.
For each officer, the following details are shown:
Officer Name – Selecting this will open the corresponding Officer Summary.
Relationship Type – These are custom values which can be set up by database admin users in Relationship Type Configuration. Whether the relationship is From or To the officer will be shown here.
To link an existing officer, select Actions > Add Officer to open a window where you can specify the Relationship Type and search for an officer to link.
Select Save to add the new relationship.
Organisation Relationships
The Organisations tab in the Officer Summary shows any relationships to organisations recorded for the officer.
For each organisation, the following details are shown:
Organisation Name – Selecting this will open the corresponding Organisation Summary.
Relationship Type – These are custom values which can be set up by database admin users in Relationship Type Configuration.
Selecting Add Organisation will open a window where you can specify the Relationship Type and search for an organisation to link.
Select Save to add the new relationship.