Ending a Learner's Episode and Aims in PICSWeb
Before ending the episode, you will need to enter any known Destination and Progression information.
A process is available in PICSWeb to enter the necessary details to end both a learner’s episode and their ILR Learning Aims in one form. For Apprenticeship Standards this can be used after the process for Starting a Learner’s EPA in PICSWeb or for withdrawals prior to that.
To access the form, open the learner’s ILR Summary and select Actions > End Episode & Aims from the top-right corner of the page. This will open a window where you can enter the following details:
Episode End date – Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.
Achievement Date
Completion Status
Employment Outcome
Outcome Grade
Withdrawal Reason
End Type
Achieved Target
Provider End Code – The values available here are provider-defined codes to indicate how the learner ended their programme. These codes can be maintained by a database administrator in the Provider End Codes section of List and Type Configuration.
Provider Destination – The values available here are provider-defined codes to indicate the learner's destination after their programme. These codes can be maintained by a database administrator in the Provider Destination Codes section of List and Type Configuration. These codes do not affect the ILR-specified Destination & Progression, which will have to be completed separately in the Destination and Progression tab in the Learner ILR Summary.
All ILR aims that will be updated with these values when you end the learner are shown at the bottom of the page.
Any user-defined programme end fields will also be shown in this window, indicated by an Edit icon.
Selecting Save will run the following processes:
End any open ILR Programme and Component aims starting before the Episode End date chosen in the window.
Apply the Completion Status and Outcome values chosen in the window.