Licences and Accounts in PICSWeb Configuration

Licences and Accounts in PICSWeb Configuration

The Licences and Accounts page in User and Access Configuration displays which areas of the software you are licensed to use. Although the licences are still named after the desktop and web app areas of PICS, they correspond to the equivalent areas in PICSWeb.

For each area, the following details are shown:

  • Name – This refers to the area of desktop PICS or web app controlled by the licence.

  • Has Licence – If this is ticked, your organisation is licensed to use this area.

  • Maximum Allowed – If the licence only allows a certain amount of users for the area, this will show the maximum number of users you are licensed to have.

  • Currently Used – This shows how many of the Maximum Allowed number of users are currently active.

To find a specific area, use the search bar above the list.


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