Funding Reconciliation Reports in PICSWeb

Funding Reconciliation Reports in PICSWeb

Once a funding reconciliation has been run, you can Download the relevant reconciliation reports from the Funding Reconciler page as Excel spreadsheets. Depending on the ESFA Funding Report that you have uploaded, the reconciliation report will contain different worksheets showing the differences between ESFA and PICSWeb data.

Apps Monthly Payments Reconciliation Report

The reconciliation reports for the Apps Monthly Payments report is made up of the following worksheets:

  • Summary – This displays the Count of items in each of the report worksheets.

  • YTD Matches – This shows a list of payments by learner with the same Year-to-Date funding values between PICSWeb and the ESFA funding reports.

  • YTD Differences – This shows a list of payments by learner with different Year-to-Date funding values between PICSWeb and the ESFA funding reports.

  • ACT Adjustments – This shows a list of payments where the associated Apprenticeship Contract Type (ACT) differ between PICSWeb and the ESFA funding reports.

  • Funding Matches – This shows a list of payment records with the same value in both your PICS data and the ESFA funding reports.

  • Funding Differences – This shows a list of payment records with differing values between your PICS data and the ESFA funding reports.

  • Levy Adjustments

  • PICS Not ESFA – This shows a list of payment records found in your PICS data but not in the ESFA funding reports.

  • ESFA Not PICS – This shows a list of payment records found in the ESFA funding reports but not in your PICS data.

  • Incentive Adjustments – This shows a list of incentive payment records that are not listed as Paid in PICSWeb but are reported as Paid in the funding report.

  • App Service Adjustments – This shows a list of PICS Episodes where their Apprenticeship Service Status in PICSWeb indicates that they are not on the Apprenticeship Service, but the funding report indicates that they are.

Apps Indicative Earnings Reconciliation Report

The reconciliation reports for the Apps Indicative Earnings report is made up of the following worksheets:

  • Summary – This displays the Count of items in each of the report worksheets.

  • Funding Matches – This shows a list of payment records with the same value in both your PICS data and the ESFA funding reports.

  • Funding Differences – This shows a list of payment records with differing values between your PICS data and the ESFA funding reports.

  • PICS Not ESFA – This shows a list of payment records found in your PICS data but not in the ESFA funding reports.

  • ESFA Not PICS – This shows a list of payment records found in the ESFA funding reports but not in your PICS data.

Apps Co-Investment Contributions Report

The reconciliation report for the Apps Co-Investment Contributions report compares the Payment Records for co-invested apprenticeship employer contributions between your PICS data and the ESFA funding reports. It is made up of the following worksheets:

  • Summary – This displays the Count of records shown in each of the following sheets, along with the sum of any shortfalls and overpayments (based on the current data).

  • Sufficient PMRs – Shows learner programmes in PICS with sufficient PMR records to match the value in the ESFA report. These records are either Paid or Expected. Any programmes with a shortfall of less than 50p are also included here, as those values will be rounded down to 0.

  • PMR Shortfalls – This sheet is only shown if you have not chosen to Add Outstanding PMRs when running reconciliation. It shows learner programmes in PICS with insufficient PMR records to match the value in the ESFA report and identifies the amount of shortfall. Any programmes with a shortfall less than 50p are excluded.

  • PMR Shortfalls Inserted – This sheet is only shown if you have chosen to Add Outstanding PMRs when running reconciliation. It lists all of the Payment Records created to make up any shortfall identified.

  • ESFA Not PICS – This sheet shows records from the Apps Co-Investment Contributions report where a matching programme could not be found in PICS. This also includes learners in PICS that have been withheld from export.

Data Columns in the Apps Co-Investment Contributions Report

The table below explains how the values in the ESFA Apps Co-Investment Contributions report are derived:

ESFA Columns

Value/data source (ESFA Apps Co-Investment Contributions report)

ESFA Prev. Year Collected

The value recorded in the "Total employer contribution collected (PMR) in previous funding years" column from the report.

ESFA This Year Collected

The value recorded in the "Total employer contribution collected (PMR) in this funding year" column from the report.

ESFA Total Collected

= "ESFA Prev. Year Collected" + "ESFA This Year Collected".

ESFA Prev. Year Earned

The value recorded in the "Total co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer in previous funding years" column from the report.

ESFA This Year Earned

The value recorded in the "Total co-investment (below band upper limit) due from employer in this funding year" column from the report.

ESFA Total Due

= "ESFA Prev. Year Earned" + "ESFA This Year Earned".

The learner data in the Sufficient PMR and PMR Shortfall sheets in columns A-K is taken from PICS. The table below explains how the values in these columns are derived:

PICS Columns

Value/data source (PICS data)

PICS Prev. Year Paid

The sum of PMRs recorded in PICS with a Paid status that have a paid date before August 1st of the current ILR year.

PICS This Year Paid

The sum of PMRs recorded in PICS with a Paid status that have a paid date on or after August 1st of the current ILR year.

PICS Total Paid

= "PICS Prev. Year Paid" + "PICS This Year Paid".

PICS Prev. Year Exp.

The sum of PMRs recorded in PICS with an Expected status that have an expected date before August 1st of the current ILR year.

PICS This Year Exp.

The sum of PMRs recorded in PICS with an Expected status that have an expected date on or after August 1st of the current ILR year.

PICS Total Exp.

= "PICS Prev. Year Exp." + "PICS This Year Exp.".

PICS Total (Paid + Exp.)

= "PICS Total Paid" + "PICS Total Exp.".


"ESFA Total Due" minus "PICS Total (Paid + Exp.).".

Apprenticeship Data Match Reconciliation Report

The reconciliation reports for the Apps Data Match report shows each data mismatch item identified in the report. For each mismatch, additional details are shown to allow you to identify the relevant episode in PICSWeb.

Occupancy Reconciliation Reports

The reconciliation reports for the Main Occupancy, Devolved Adult Education Occupancy, Trailblazer Apprenticeships Occupancy and ALLB Occupancy reports are made up of the following worksheets:

  • Summary – This displays the Count of items in each of the report worksheets.

  • Funding Matches – This shows a list of payment records with the same value in both your PICS data and the ESFA funding reports.

  • Funding Differences – This shows a list of payment records with differing values between your PICS data and the ESFA funding reports.

  • PICS Not ESFA – This shows a list of payment records found in your PICS data but not in the ESFA funding reports.

  • ESFA Not PICS – This shows a list of payment records found in the ESFA funding reports but not in your PICS data.


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