Editing Units in PICSWeb Configuration
Editing Units in PICSWeb Configuration
Selecting ... > Edit by a unit in the Unit List, or selecting Edit in a Unit Summary, will open a window where you can edit the following details. Once you have made your changes, select Save to keep them or Cancel to discard them.
- Title
- Awarding Body Reference
- Standard Number of Elements – This number is intended for reference only. You will be able to add more Outcomes than the number specified here if necessary.
- Unit Type
- Weight – This is the percentage of the qualification progress that is derived from the unit. This must be entered as a value between 0 and 100.
- Required Evidence Score – This is the total score from evidence files that is needed before the unit can be marked as Achieved.
- Guided Learning Hours (GLH)
- Credit Value
- Unit Level
- Status – This controls whether the unit is Live or Dormant.