Course Document Summary in PICSWeb Configuration

Course Document Summary in PICSWeb Configuration

Selecting the ... icon next to a Course Document in the Course Document List and selecting Summary will open the Course Document Summary page. The following details are shown for the document, provided that the details have been recorded when Editing the Document:

  • Title

  • File – Selecting Download will download a copy of the file.

  • Visible to – This indicates whether the document is available to Staff or Learners.

  • URL

  • Description

Course Document Links

The rest of the summary page shows which Qualifications and Units that have the document linked. Selecting the entity title will take you to the corresponding Qualification Summary or Unit Summary.

To remove the document from an entity, select ... > Delete by an entity in the list.

Creating a New Document Link

Selecting Create Link will open a window where you can search for a new entity to link the document to. You will first need to specify whether you are linking the document to a Qualification or Unit. Select Save to continue.


You can then choose the Entity to link using the search bar at the top of the drop-down menu.

Selecting Save will add the link to the list and add the document to the corresponding qualification or unit summary.