Subcontractor Rates in the PICSWeb Organisation Summary
The Subcontractor Rates tab in the Organisation Summary lists any rates that are applied as part of a subcontracting arrangement with another organisation. This tab is only available for organisations that have a Head Office linked. A list of subcontractor organisations for a given head office can be found by going to the Offices tab in the head office's Organisation Summary.
For each subcontractor rate, the following details are shown:
Programme Group – This is the type of programme for which the rate applies.
Age Band
Filtering the Subcontractor Rates List
The option to limit the list to Current rates and Search by Programme Group are available from above the list. Once you have entered the necessary details, press Enter or select the Search icon to run the search and apply your filters.
Exporting the Subcontractor Rates List
Selecting More shows an option to Export to Excel. Selecting this will generate an Excel Spreadsheet containing the details currently displayed in the list.
Adding a New Subcontractor Rate
Selecting Add Rate in the tab will open a window where you can record a new subcontractor rate that applies to the organisation. This process is made up of two steps:
1. Choose the Programme Group from the drop-down menu. Select Next to continue.
2. Choose the Event Type from the drop-down menu. The event types available will depend on the Programme Type you have specified. Select Save to add the rate or Cancel to discard it.
You will then be taken to the Edit Rate window as explained below, where you can enter further details.
Editing Subcontractor Rates
Selecting ... > Edit by a rate in the list will open the Edit Rate window. Once you have finished, select Save to apply the changes or Cancel to discard them. The following fields are available to edit:
Programme Subgroup
Event Type
Age Band
Rate – Here you can enter the rate either as a value in pounds or as a percentage of the full cost. You must specify which format you are using in the Rate Type field below.
Rate Type – Here you can indicate whether the Rate entered above is a value in pounds or percentage of the full cost.
Valid From date – Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.
Valid To date – Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.
Date to Use – This is the date that will be compared against the Valid From and Valid To dates to judge whether the rate applies or not. You can set this to either the relevant aim's Start Date, or the Effective Date of the relevant claim.
Subcontractor Rate Actions
The following actions are available from the subcontractor rates tab:
Details – Selecting ... > Details by a rate in the list will open a window showing any details that have been recorded for the rate in the Edit Rate window.
Edit – Selecting ... > Edit by a rate in the list will open the Edit Rate window, as explained above.
Delete – Selecting ... > Delete by a rate in the list will delete the subcontractor rate. This should only be done for rates that have been entered in error. If a rate is no longer valid, you should instead update the Valid To date in the Edit Rate window to reflect this. You will be prompted to confirm before the rate is removed.