PICSWeb does not support employer users. Any employer logins generated in PICSWeb can only be used to log in to /wiki/spaces/POH/pages/114622564.

You can generate login credentials for an employer from their Organisation Summary. These logins can then be used to access certain /wiki/spaces/POH/pages/139034631.

You can also create Contact Logins for individual staff members if necessary.

Before creating a login, the following details will need to be checked:

To do this, go to the Organisation Details section in the Organisation Summary and find the Username. If no login has been generated yet, select the button to Create Login for Organisation.

Selecting this will open a window where the checks above are confirmed. Select Create to continue.

You will then be shown a confirmation message with the Username and Password for the employer. Make a note of these details to provide to the employer.

The employer will then be able to /wiki/spaces/POH/pages/139034631 as usual. The employer’s Username will now be displayed in the Organisation Details.