Permissions can be configured for PICSWeb Users in their User Summary. This page lists the permissions available with explanations. Any New User will have the default permissions PICS User and Officer User set. For each record type, the Edit, Create, and Delete permissions will have no effect unless the View permission has been set for that record type.
Bear in mind that the Officer and Site restrictions set for the user in their User Summary will also affect what they can access in PICSWeb.
View Learner Summary – If this is set, the user will be able to access the Learner List and Learner Payment List, as well as view Learner Summaries.
Edit Learner Summary – If this is set, the user will be able to Edit the Learner and edit tabs in the Learner Summary.
Create New Learners – If this is set, the user will be able to Create New Learners.
Delete/Archive Learners – If this is set, the user will be able to Delete Learners. We generally do not recommend deleting learner records unless they have been created by mistake.
Send Learners to Form Capture – If this is set, the user will be able to send learner data to a Learner File WebForm.
View Learner Programme (ILR/PRaP) – If this is set, the user will be able to access the Learner ILR Summary or PRaP Summary.
Edit Learner Programme (ILR/PRaP) – If this is set, the user will be able to edit tabs in the Learner ILR Summary or PRaP Summary.
View Learner Delivery – If this is set, the user will be able to access the Learner Delivery Plan.
Edit Learner Delivery – If this is set, the user will be able to edit tabs in the Learner Delivery Plan.
View Learner Portfolio – This permission is only available if you have the eAssessor licence for PICSWeb Portfolio. If this is set, the user will be able to access the Learner Portfolio.
Edit Learner Portfolio – This permission is only available if you have the eAssessor licence for PICSWeb Portfolio. If this is set, the user will be able to edit tabs in the Learner Portfolio.
Audit Reviews – If this is set, the user will be able to Audit Learner Reviews.
View Change Requests – If this is set, the user will be able to access the Learner Change Request List.
Edit Change Requests – If this is set, the user will be able to Edit Change Requests. Additional permissions to Action or Authorise will need to be set before the user can Process Change Requests.
Create Change Requests – If this is set, the user will be able to Create Change Requests.
Delete Change Requests – If this is set, the user will be able to Delete Change Requests.
Authorise Change Requests – If this is set, the user will be able to Authorise Change Requests in the Request Summary.
Action Change Requests – If this is set, the user will be able to Action Change Requests in the Request Summary.
View Learner Payments – If this is set, the user will be able to access the Learner Payment List.
Edit Learner Payments – If this is set, the user will be able to Edit and Process Learner Payments.
Create Learner Payments – If this is set, the user will be able to Create Learner Payments.
Delete Learner Payments – If this is set, the user will be able to Delete Learner Payments.
View Learner Funding – If this is set, the user will be able to view the Actual Funding and Projected Funding details for learners.
View IQA Interactions – If this is set, the user will be able to access IQA Functions. This is only available if you are licensed for PICSWeb Portfolio.
Edit IQA Interactions – If this is set, the user will be able to use IQA Functions. This is only available if you are licensed for PICSWeb Portfolio.
Use OneFile Integration – If this is set, the user will be able to upload and download learner data to and from OneFile. This is only available if you are licensed for OneFile Integration.
Use Smart Assessor Integration – If this is set, the user will be able to upload and download learner data to and from Smart Assessor. This is only available if you are licensed for Smart Assessor Integration.
Use ACE360 Integration – If this is set, the user will be able to upload and download learner data to and from ACE360. This is only available if you are licensed for ACE360 Integration.
View Courses – If this is set along with the View My Courses permission, the user will be able to access all Courses, Sessions, Resources and Rooms, but not the Course Configuration section.
Edit Courses – If this is set, the user will be able to edit Courses, Sessions, Resources and Rooms, as well as add, edit, and delete Sessions and Files in the Course Summary. They will also be able to view, edit and delete Course Types, Resource Types, Custom Attendance Values and Session Flags in the Course Configuration section.
Create New Courses – If this is set, the user will be able to add new Courses, Resources, and Rooms, but not individual Sessions.
Delete Courses – If this is set, the user will be able to delete Courses, Resources, and Rooms, but not individual Sessions.
View My Courses – If this is set, the user will be able to access their own Courses, Sessions, Resources and Rooms, but not the Course Configuration section.
Edit Course Attendance – If this is set, the user will be able to record and edit Course Attendance for sessions.
Create Course Enrolments – If this is set the user will be able to Create Enrolments for learners and applicants on courses.
View Calendar Entries and Communications – If this is set, the user will be able to access the Calendar, Task List and Communications List from the side menu.
Edit Calendar Entries and Communications – If this is set, the user will be able to edit activities in the Calendar, Task List and Communications List.
Create New Calendar Entries and Communications – If this is set, the user will be able to create new activities in the Calendar, Task List and Communications List.
Delete Calendar Entries and Communications – If this is set, the user will be able to delete activities in the Calendar, Task List and Communications List.
Month End Permissions
View Imports – If this is set, the user will be able to access and view Import Files.
Upload Files to Import – If this is set, the user will be able to Upload Import Files into PICSWeb.
Delete Imports – If this is set, the user will be able to Delete Import Files.