Before you can link organisations to OneFile, you will need to follow the instructions to Enable the OneFile Integration in PICSWeb.
Note |
If you are using multiple centres in OneFile, the matching process uses the OneFile MIS Value field instead of the PICSWeb Additional ID. Please refer to the Using the PICSWeb OneFile Integration with Multiple OneFile Centres page for more instructions. |
When you Enrol a Learner in OneFile from PICSWeb, a new Employer record in OneFile will be created based on the most recent organisation that has been set as a placement of type P for the learner. If no placement is found with type P, then the most recent placement of any type will be used.
However, if that organisation record has already been created in OneFile for a learner who was uploaded previously, a duplicate record will be created. To avoid this happening, you will need to make sure that after an employer has been created in OneFile you link the PICSWeb organisation with the OneFile employer. Once the records are linked, any learners enrolled with the same organisation will be linked to the existing OneFile employer rather than a duplicate employer being created.
To link an organisation, go to the Organisation Summary and find the Additional ID field from the Organisation Details section of the page.
Select the link to Look Up OneFile ID. This will open a window listing all of your employers that currently exist in OneFile.
Once you have found the matching employer, select Save. This will attach the OneFile ID of the matching employer to the PICSWeb organisation. The next time a learner is enrolled with this organisation linked, the OneFile ID will be used to link the matching employer in OneFile.