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The The Payment Records Records tab in the the Organisation Summary records all records all payments made between your company and the Organisation. For each payment, the following the following details are shown:
Learner – Selecting this will take you to the corresponding Learner Summary.
Reference Number
Purchase Order (PO) Number
Invoice Number
Code/Item – The Payment Code
indicatesindicates the type of payment according to ILR Specifications. The Payment Item is a user-defined value used to internally categorise payments. Payment Items are maintained by your database administrators in List and Type Configuration.
Expected Date
Paid Date – If the payment has passed its expected date and not been paid, a flag will be displayed here to mark it as Overdue.
Filtering the Payment List
The following searching and filtering options are available by default above the list. Once you have entered the necessary details, press press Enter or select or select the Search icon to run the search and apply your filters.
Sort By – Here you can use the drop-down menu to choose how the list is ordered.
Search – Here you can search by Learner Name and ID code.
Payment Status – Here you can search for or choose the relevant status from the list.
Learner Tags – Here you can restrict the list to payments relating to learners with
specificspecific Tags. Choosing a tag from the drop-down menu will add it to the field. You can add multiple tags to the field and remove any added ones by selecting the X
iconicon. The following tag options are available:
Any – This will restrict the list to learners that have at least one of the specified tags.
All – This will restrict the list to learners that have every specified tag.
None – This will restrict the list to learners that do not have any of the specified tags.
Payment Code
Number of records – Here you can use the drop-down menu to choose how many results are displayed per page.
Along with these, additional fields can be added by selecting selecting More. Choosing a field will add it to the top bar, where it works like the filters explained above. The following fields are available:
Payment Item
Reference Number
PO Number
Invoice Number
Expected Date
Raised Date
Authorised Date
Paid Date
Created Date
Invoiced Date
Claimed Date
Reconciled Date
Learner Officer
Funding Organisation
Risk Band
Learner Reference Number
Unique Learner Number (ULN)
Learner Status
Learner System Status
Learner Created Date
Learner Started Date
Learner Ended Date
Learner Expected End Date
Learner on Break-in-Learning
Exporting the Payment List
Selecting More Selecting More also shows an option to Export to Excel. Selecting this will generate an Excel Spreadsheet containing the details currently displayed in the list.
The following actions are available by selecting the ... icon by a payment in the list:
Summary – Selecting this will open the corresponding Payment Summary page.
Change Status – Selecting this will open a window where you can Process the Payment to update the status.
Edit – Selecting this will open a window where you can Edit the Payment.
Delete – This will remove the payment record. ear in mind that this should only be done for records entered in error. For payments that have not gone ahead, you should instead use the Withhold or Cancelled statuses as necessary. You will be prompted to confirm before the record is deleted.