Selecting ... > Edit
by a contract in
the Contract List, or selecting Edit
in a Contract Summary,
will open a window where you can edit the following details. Once you have made your changes, select Save
to keep them or Cancel
to discard them.
Site – Here you can restrict the contract to a specific Site.
Subcontractor – If the contract is associated with a specific Subcontractor Organisation, you can specify the organisation from the drop-down menu.
Funding Organisation
Qualification Plan – If you choose a Qualification Plan here, when the contract is linked to a New Learner the plan and associated elements will be added to the learner record.
Partner ID
LRN/ULIN Prefix – This will be added to the LRN or ULIN of any New Learner linked to the contract.
- Consortium
Status – Here you can specify whether the contract is Live or Dormant. Only Live contracts are available to add to new learners.