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Each Course Instance will  will have a list of enrolments, referring to the learners or applicants enrolled on the instancecourse. Once someone has been linked as an enrolment, you can then begin to Record Attendance for them for each Course Session.

Batch Enrolling on a Course


Selecting ... > Enrol People by a course instance in the Course Instance List, or selecting Create Enrolment in the Enrolments tab in the Course Instance Summary, will open the Batch Enrol window, where you can link multiple learners onto the course instance

The Batch Enrol window contains a list of available records. You can use the tickboxes to choose which records you want to be included in the enrolment process.


  • Status
  • Site
  • Qualification Plan
  • Qualification
  • Unit

 Exporting the List

Selecting More also shows an option to Export to Excel. Selecting this will generate an Excel Spreadsheet containing the details currently displayed in the list.


To edit an enrolment, open the relevant Course Instance Summary page and open the Enrolments tab. In there, find the relevant enrolment and select ... > Edit. Once you have made your changes, you can either select Save to apply them or Cancel to abandon them.


The following fields are available to edit:

  • Enrolment Date – Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.
  • Enrolment Start – Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.
  • Enrolment End – Selecting this field will open a calendar date selector.
  • Status – The following statuses are available:
    • Active
    • Withdrawn during Course
    • Failed to Start
    • Cancelled before Start
    • Completed


To delete an enrolment, open the relevant Course Instance Summary page and open the Enrolments tab. In there, find the relevant enrolment and select ... > Delete.
