Column Name | Required? | Format | Example | Notes | ||||||
FIRSTNAME | string | Roberta | ||||||||
SURNAME | string | Smith | ||||||||
PREV_SURNAME | string | Jones | ||||||||
SEX | string | 1: Male | ||||||||
ETHNICORIGIN | numeric | 33 | ILR Ethnicity | |||||||
TITLE | numeric | 4 | 1: Mr 2: Mrs 3: Miss 4: Ms 5: Dr 6: Rev 7: Hon 8: Mx 9: Other | |||||||
BIRTHDATE | date | 13/03/2003 | ||||||||
NINUMBER | string | JB010101A | ||||||||
PHOTOFILEID | File GUID | Must be an existing PICS File GUID | ||||||||
MIAP_ULN | numeric | 100000009 | LRS Unique Learner Number (ULN) | |||||||
MIAP_FPN_SEEN | numeric | LRS Ability to Share / Privacy Notice seen 0 - No seen | ||||||||
MIAP_PREFNAME | string | LRS Preferred Name | ||||||||
MIAP_VERIFTYPE | numeric | LRS Identity Verification Type | ||||||||
MIAP_VERIFTEXT | LRS Identity Verification Type Other details | |||||||||
PROV_ID | string | Provider Assigned Internal Identifier | ||||||||
LSC_ULIN | string | COB1234455 | ILR Learner Reference Number | |||||||
TAG_IDS | string | INTERNAL USE ONLY | ||||||||
TAG_NAMES | string | April 2022*Engineers* | Names of the tags to create * separated | |||||||
ADDR1 | string | Flat A | First line of Home Address | |||||||
ADDR2 | string | 123 Acacia Avenue | Second line of Home Address | |||||||
ADDR3 | string | Suburb | Third line of Home Address | |||||||
ADDR4 | string | Townville | Fourth line of Home Address | |||||||
POSTCODE | string | TO1 1WN | Home Postcode | |||||||
L17POSTCODE | string | TO1 1WN | Home Postcode prior to enrolment | |||||||
PHONE | numeric | 01603492620 | Home Phone number | |||||||
MOBILEPHONE | numeric | 07799000001 | Mobile Phone number | |||||||
string | bob@here.com | |||||||||
NOKNAME | string | A Smith | Next of Kin Name | |||||||
NOKREL | string | Parent | Next of Kin Relationship | |||||||
NOKPHONE | string | 01603492620 | First Next of Kin Phone Number | |||||||
NOKPHONE2 | string | 07799000002 | Second Next of Kin Phone Number | |||||||
NOKEMAIL | string | asmith@home.com | Next of Kin Email Address | |||||||
CONT_METH | string | PETS | Allowed Contact Methods between Provider & Learner T: Telephone | |||||||
PREF_CONTACT_METH | string | E | Preferred Contact Method between Provider & Learner | |||||||
SITE | string | PICS Internal Site code | ||||||||
CLIENT_ID | string | Learner Internal Client structure Identifier. Used when importing new Episodes for an existing Learner | ||||||||
ULIN_ID | string | Learner Internal Learner Reference Number structure Identifier. Used when importing new Episodes for an existing Learner Reference | ||||||||
PICS_APIDENT | string | Source Applicant Identifier for linking between an existing Applicant and a Learner | ||||||||
RISKLEVEL | string | Learner Risk Level 1: High 2: Medium 3: Low | ||||||||
QUALPLAN | string | PICS Qualification Plan code | ||||||||
ILR_SELF_DISAB | string | 2 | ILR Learner’s Self Assessed Disability status https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/Learner/field/LLDDHealthProb | |||||||
ALL_LLDD | string | 12*13*96 | ILR LLDD codes https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/LLDDandHealthProblem/field/LLDDCat | |||||||
PRIMARY_LLDD | string | 12 | ILR Primary LLDD | |||||||
RUI | string | 67 | ILR Restricted Use Indicator https://guidance.submitlearnerdatabeta.fasst.orgsubmit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/previous/2021-2122/ilr/entity/ContactPreference/field/ContPrefType/attribute/contprefcodeRUI | |||||||
L52 | string | 456 | ILR Preferred Method of Contact https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/ContactPreference/field/ContPrefType/attribute/PMC | |||||||
L34A | string | 36 | ILR Learner FAM - Learner Support Reason 1 https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/LearnerFAM/field/LearnFAMType/attribute/LSR | |||||||
L34B | string | ILR Learner FAM - Learner Support Reason 2 https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/LearnerFAM/field/LearnFAMType/attribute/LSR | ||||||||
L34C | string | ILR Learner FAM - Learner Support Reason 3 https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/LearnerFAM/field/LearnFAMType/attribute/LSR | ||||||||
L34D | string | ILR Learner FAM - Learner Support Reason 4 https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/LearnerFAM/field/LearnFAMType/attribute/LSR | ||||||||
L31 | numeric | ILR Learner - Learning Support https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/Learner/field/ALSCost | ||||||||
DLA | numeric | ILR Learner FAM - Disabled Students Allowance https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/LearnerFAM/field/LearnFAMType/attribute/DLA | ||||||||
ACCOM | numeric | ILR Learner Accommodation https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/Learner/field/Accom | ||||||||
L40A | numeric | ILR Learner FAM - National Learner Monitoring 1 https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/LearnerFAM/field/LearnFAMType/attribute/NLM | ||||||||
L40B | numeric | ILR Learner FAM - National Learner Monitoring 2 https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/LearnerFAM/field/LearnFAMType/attribute/NLM | ||||||||
L42A | numeric | ILR Learner - Provider Specified Monitoring 1 https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/ProviderSpecLearnerMonitoring/field/ProvSpecLearnMon | ||||||||
L42B | numeric | ILR Learner - Provider Specified Monitoring 2 https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/ProviderSpecLearnerMonitoring/field/ProvSpecLearnMon | ||||||||
MCF | numeric | ILR Learner - Maths Condition of Funding https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/LearnerFAM/field/LearnFAMType/attribute/MCF | ||||||||
ECF | numeric | ILR Learner - English Condition of Funding https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/LearnerFAM/field/LearnFAMType/attribute/ECF | ||||||||
EHC | numeric | ILR Learner FAM - Education Health Care plan https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/LearnerFAM/field/LearnFAMType/attribute/EHC | ||||||||
GCSE_ENG_GRADE | alphanumeric | ILR Learner - English GCSE Grade https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/Learner/field/EngGrade | ||||||||
GCSE_MATH_GRADE | alphanumeric | ILR Learner - Maths GCSE Grade https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/Learner/field/MathGrade | ||||||||
PRIOREDU | numeric | ILR Learner - Prior Attainment (to 2020) | ||||||||
PRIORATTAINMENT | numeric | 03 | ILR Learner - Prior Attainment Level | |||||||
PRIORATTAINMENTDATE | date | 31/08/2021 | ILR Learner - Prior Attainment Level Applied from Date | |||||||
DELIV_LOC_SOURCE | numeric | E | Delivery Location/Postcode Source 1: From “DELIV_LOC_SOURCE_POSTCODE” field 2: Home Postcode 3: Specific Organisation - specify code in “DELIV_LOC_ORGCODE“ field 5: Same as Provider | |||||||
DELIV_LOC_ORGCODE | PICS Organisation Code | Delivery Location Organisation | ||||||||
DELIV_LOC_POSTCODE | Postcode | Delivery Location Postcode | ||||||||
PROG_START | date | Start of Programme | ||||||||
LRN_EXPEND | date | Expected End of Learning Portion of Apprenticeship | ||||||||
PROG_EXPEND | date | Expected End of Programme | ||||||||
MAINAIMREF | alphanumeric | Qualification Reference code for the main aim of Learning | ||||||||
DAS_COHORT | alphanumeric | Apprenticeship Service Cohort Reference | ||||||||
DAS_STATUS | numeric | Apprenticeship Service Status 0 - Non-AS | ||||||||
CONTRACT | PICS Contract Code | PICS Contract | ||||||||
SCHOOL_ORGCODE | PICS Organisation Code | Creates a Learner “School“ Placement record with the same Start and Expected End dates as the Learner Episode | ||||||||
COLLEGE_ORGCODE | PICS Organisation Code | Creates a Learner “College“ Placement record with the same Start and Expected End dates as the Learner Episode | ||||||||
PLANLRNHRS_2021 | numeric | ILR Planned Learning Hours for ILR Year 2021/22 https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/21-22/ilr/entity/Learner/field/PlanLearnHours | ||||||||
PLANEEPHRS_2021 | numeric | ILR Planned EEP Hours for ILR Year 2021/22 https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/21-22/ilr/entity/Learner/field/PlanEEPHours | ||||||||
PLANLRNHRS_2022 | numeric | ILR Planned Learning Hours for ILR Year 2022/23 https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/Learner/field/PlanLearnHours | ||||||||
PLANEEPHRS_2022 | numeric | ILR Planned EEP Hours for ILR Year 2022/23 https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/Learner/field/PlanEEPHours | ||||||||
| numeric | ILR Planned Learning Hours for ILR Year 2023/24 | ||||||||
| numeric | ILR Planned EEP Hours for ILR Year 2023/24 https://guidance.submit-learner-data.service.gov.uk/22-23/ilr/entity/Learner/field/planeephoursPlanEEPHours | ||||||||
| string | Senior Software Developer | This will be applied to any Employer/Work placement records created |